Are you organic/sustainable? read about it here: Methods

Which farm has strawberry picking and when? read about it here: Bonacorsi Berry Farm

Are you open for picking apples on holidays? Nope! read about the days we are open for apples here: Bonacorsi Autumn U-Pick

Can I picnic at your farm, do you host corporate events, birthday parties, weddings, have donkey rides? Nope! We are all about the best tasting fresh fruit that we can possibly grow. We are low key and like it that way.

Can I book your farm for a photo shoot? Not at this time.

What kind of apple is the best? Sigh… Oh wow. There are just too many amazing flavors, interesting textures, and purposes for apples out there. It is like colors. Everyone has a favorite or several, and sometimes a different one for eating or baking.

No, really…which apple is the best for pie/baking? We like a tart apple to bake with, because the flavor balances nicely with the sugar in the recipe.  The exact variety varies depending on where we are in the season.  

Do you sell sauce apples? YES!  These are not seconds, but are a mix specifically chosen to add sweetness, tartness, and texture to your sauce.  We sell our special Applesauce Mix in half bushels beginning in October, and each can have between 7-14 varieties of apples in it.  You may pre-order at info@bonacorsifamilyfarm.com in the fall.  

Do you sell deer apples? No.

Can I come earlier, show up after hours, or could you open for me on a day you are closed? Usually not. It isn’t that we don’t like you, but we have a pretty full family life and life outside the farm, and it also takes a lot of time out of our day to get the farm work done. So while we try to be accommodating, we pretty much set up hours that we can make work for us, and that is how we manage to pack it all in.

Note about apple shelf life… Apples keep a LONG time in the fridge. Months. In general, the later in the season they ripen, the longer they keep. We HIGHLY recommend that if you find an apple you love, you buy plenty right then and there, and stick them in the fridge or somewhere that stays as cold as possible without freezing. We grow a wide variety of apples, but not in huge numbers.